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Planting day at the Awatere Bridge


Seddon Lions get amongst the planting at the Awatere Bridge

"This is one of the thrilling parts that gets you out of bed and pushes you through the tougher days on a project of this magnitude" Nigel Muir, the Whale Trail Project Lead, stands at the Awatere Bridge with a group of volunteers from Seddon Lions and Arbourcare, clearly energized by the community's efforts to get the plants in the ground. "We’re incredibly grateful for the support of our partners, landowners and the many volunteers who help bring the dream of the Whale Trail to life."


Seddon Lions President Stuart Oulton shares the enthusiasm for the Whale Trail, particularly for today’s

Steve Pellett, Rosemary Osborne & Bruce Urquhart (Seddon Lions) planting up a storm!

planting. The trail's focus on slow travel will bring a steady stream of cyclists and walkers, engaging with towns like Seddon. The group recognizes this could be a much-needed boost for accommodation and service providers along the trail's route.


The wide community support for today’s planting is evident with backing from the Marlborough

District Council Community Grant, Kiwi Rail, Arbourbank, and the Seddon Lions.   The Awatere Bridge planting marks another step in enhancing this iconic feature of what is rapidly becoming a spectacular community cycle and walking trail.


Nigel Muir (Whale Trail, Stuart Oulton (Seddon Lions) and David Robinson (Arbourbank) celebrate a good day out.

Arbourbank, originally formed by the Garden Marlborough committee to support regional tree planting, is excited to be involved in the Whale Trail project. David Robinson, Arbourbank Chair, says today’s planting is a direct result of their support, and they are thrilled to see the plants going into the ground.

The planting crew celebrate a fantastic community effort!


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